Managing and Decreasing Power Consumption of Devices in a Smart City Environment

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Alaa Sabeeh Salim, Mohamad Mahdi Kassir, Amir Lakizadeh


As smart cities continue to grow and the number of connected devices increases, power consumption becomes a critical concern. By offloading computationally intensive tasks from resource-constrained devices to more powerful edge servers, energy efficiency can be significantly improved. The research proposes a framework for managing power consumption in smart cities by offloading computational tasks to edge servers. This approach, considering factors like device capabilities, network conditions, and energy profiles, can improve energy efficiency. The framework's effectiveness is evaluated through real-world data simulations and performance metrics. Results show that offloading tasks to edge servers significantly reduces power consumption, conserving energy and prolonging battery life. The framework's adaptability ensures optimal resource allocation, maximizing energy efficiency without compromising performance. This research offers practical solutions for sustainable and energy-efficient operations in smarter cities.   

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