Mobile Robot Navigates Based on Geographical Information Systems

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Hussein Haddam Oleiwi, Kifah R. Tout, Ahmed Abdul Hussein Ali, Muthana Arzuqi Waheb


The article focuses on importing geographic data from base maps and is modified in several stages, including correction and geographic reference, designing geographic data and its accurate projections on the map, and others. Since the mobile robot moves using different theories, including the shortest path and overcoming obstacles, the research paper focuses on designing the movement path of the mobile robot through high-definition inspection of the geographic map and drawing the best and shortest path for the robot by integrating the indicated data to be transmitted with a special code written in the C language and within the virtual environment of the program. MATLAB then moves the robot straight to the desired destination and plots its movement on the MATLAB simulation platform to closely inspect how the mobile robot behaves and monitor its movement. From the above, we will briefly explain two works, the first related to the geographical network, and the other related to the mobile robot and its movement on the geographical data of the network.   

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