Music Teaching Mode of Colleges and Universities Based On Hierarchically Gated Recurrent Neural Network (HGRNN) and Lyrebird Optimization Algorithm (LOA)

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Kegang Lu, Honghui Zhu


Colleges and universities play a crucial role in nurturing talent and providing highly skilled individuals for various sectors of society. Through modifications over time, the model of music education at colleges and universities has advanced. However, there are still numerous issues that demand careful consideration. This manuscript proposes a hierarchically gated recurrent neural network (HGRNN) optimized with the lyrebird Optimization Algorithm (LOA) for predicting music teaching mode of colleges and universities (MTM-HGRNN-LOA). Initially, the data is collected via real time basis. Afterward, the data is fed to an unscented trainable kalman filter (UTKF) based pre-processing process. In the pre-processing segment, it enhances training rate and eliminates the of batch size dependency. The pre-processing output is given to modified spline-kernelled chirp let transform (MSKCT). The input signal undergoes feature extraction to derive the primary features, which are subsequently combined to yield more comprehensive features in an efficient manner. After that, the extracted features are given to a hierarchically gated recurrent neural network and lyrebird optimization algorithm for effectively classifying the music teaching mode for best, good, normal, satisfactory and poor. The weight parameters of hierarchically gated recurrent neural network are optimized using the lyrebird optimization algorithm. The proposed method is implemented in python and evaluated their performance with existing methods. The performance metrics, like precision, F1-score, accuracy, specificity, sensitivity, and ROC is analysed to the proposed method's performance. The proposed MTM-HGRNN-LOA methods of accuracy are provide 97% best, 98% good, 95% normal, 98% satisfactory and 97% poor music teaching mode. The existing methods MTM-CNN, MTM-BPNN and MTM-GNN, the specificity becomes 90%, 70%, 79% best, 77%, 75%, 65% good, 66%, 85%, 84% normal, 59%, 58%, 70% satisfactory, 61%, 79%, 81% poor music teaching mode. The results show that the proposed MTM-HGRNN-LOA method outperforms other existing techniques, such as online vocal music teaching quality using Back Propagation neural network and convolutional neural network based College-Level Music Teaching Quality Evaluation.

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