Collaborative planning of data center and energy storage based on i-C&CG solving algorithm

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Shuzhen Wang, Yuren Chen, Yinglun Chen


With the rapid development of new power systems and advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence, the penetration rate of renewable energy is increasing, and the electricity consumption required for computing power calculation is surging. On the one hand, the uncertainty of wind power output has in-creasingly serious impact on the operation safety of power system. On the other hand, internet data center (IDC) needs to consume a lot of power to maintain the computing power system. Therefore, a two-stage robust collaborative programming model of IDC and BESS with life constraints is proposed herein. Plan storage capacity and data center server configuration with the goal of minimizing system operation and planning costs. An inexact column-and-constraint generation (i-C&CG) algorithm is proposed herein to solve the problem, and the IEEE-30 nodes system is simulated. The planning considering the life constraints of BESS are more reasonable, and  i-C&CG algorithm can reduce the difficulty of solving two-stage robust planning problem of power system.

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