Design and Performance Evaluation of Network Intrusion Detection System Based on Deep Learning

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Lin Yang


Today’s internets are made up of nearly half million various networks. In any network connection, detecting attacks by their kinds is challenging task as various attacks may have several connections, their number vary from few to hundreds of network connections. In this paper, Design and Performance Evaluation of Network Intrusion Detection System Based on Deep Learning (NID-SPGAN-STO) is proposed.  Initially, input data are collected by NSL-KDD dataset. Afterward, data are fed to preprocessing. In preprocessing, Distributed Set-Membership Fusion Filtering is used to remove redundant and biased records from input data. The pre-processed output is given to feature selection for selecting optimal features utilizing Piranha foraging Optimization Algorithm. Finally the selected features are transferred into the Semantic-Preserved Generative Adversarial Network (SPGAN) for detecting Network Intrusion, like DoS, Probe, R2L, U2R and Normal. Generally SPGAN doesn’t reveal some adoption of optimization techniques for computing optimal parameters for promising precise network intrusion detection. Hence Siberian Tiger Optimisation (STO) is used to enhance weight parameters of SPGAN. The proposed NID-SPGAN-STO method is implemented using Python. To detect network intrusion detection, performance metrics likes precision, sensitivity, FI-score, specificity, accuracy, RoC, computational time are considered. The NID-SPGAN-STO method attains 30.58%, 28.73% and 25.62%, higher precision, 20.48%, 24.73%, 29.32% higher specificity and 30.98%, 26.66% and 21.32% higher F-score, 26.78%, 34.47%, and 22.86% higher recall  analysed, with existing techniques likes improved binary gray wolf optimizer with SVM for intrusion detection system in WSNs (NID-SVM-IDS), network intrusion detection system utilizing deep learning (NID-DNN), design with improvement of efficient network intrusion detection system utilizing ML methods (NID-IDS-ANN) respectively.

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