Handwritten Character Recognition System

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Tirapathi Reddy B, Viswanath J, Elangovan Guruva Reddy, Viswanathan R, Monica P


Digitizing handwritten documents and enabling efficient information processing and retrieval require systems that can recognize handwritten characters. This research offers a unique approach for handwritten character detection using state-of-the-art machine learning algorithms. The proposed technique automatically extracts discriminative features from photos of handwritten characters using convolutional neural networks (CNNs). These attributes are then used by a classifier to determine which characters are related. The dataset used for training and assessment is made up of a large collection of handwritten characters gathered under various writing styles, sizes, and orientations in order to guarantee the durability and generalization power of the model. To enhance its quality and diversity, the training data is put through a rigorous preparation procedure that includes picture augmentation, noise removal, and normalization. The studies' results demonstrate how well and precisely the proposed system can recognize handwritten characters in a range of languages and writing styles. The system performs competitively compared to state-of-the-art methods and demonstrates robustness against variations in handwriting style and quality. Furthermore, the system has potential in terms of efficiency and scalability, making it suitable for real-time applications such as document digitalization, handwritten word recognition in electronic devices, and automatic form processing.

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