HealSmart Homes: Integrating Technology for Enhanced Convalescent Care

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Kanimozhi T, Kavitha A, Ramya R, Selvabharathi P, Gomathi R


The hospital facility's events are managed by Smart Convalescent Home. It provides modules for novice and experienced doctors, keeping track of patients' records, scheduling visits, etc. Major concerns, such as Lack of immediate retrievals; Going through the register to retrieve healthcare data is a challenging and time-consuming operation. Insufficient data storage: While storing these data requires additional space and work to be placed in the proper location. A lack of timely updating makes it challenging to make various adjustments to historical data. It has six modules. Doctor Module where doctors can write new prescriptions, schedule patient visits, and view their patients' medical histories. Patients module where the patient has the option to access his or her own personal record, request an appointment with the doctor, and update any medical information. Admin module where the admin module offers the ability to accept a doctor and patient, manage their information, and discharge the patient. Disease prediction module that provides analysis for three diseases, namely for the prediction of the coronavirus, chronic kidney disease, and cardiac disease. The affection stage of the disease is evaluated in a scenario where the disease is predicted in the patient's body using various parametric values and by creating some datasets the machine learning model has been deployed into a website based on the predicting findings. Yoga posture analysis feature that teaches users how to perform any asana accurately and correctly. Encourage people to train independently of a trainer. Any type of exercise can be performed within the home. Therapy that functions as a mood enhancer, similar to how music has healing properties. Users can play games that promote brainstorming while also learning something new in a pleasant way.

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