Problems and Optimization Strategies in the Construction of MOOC Quality Courses in Universities under the Perspective of Online Education

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Han Zhou


With the widespread popularity of the internet and smart electronic devices in China, the construction of MOOC quality courses in Chinese universities has developed rapidly with significant achievements. However, in the swift advancement of MOOC quality course construction in Chinese universities, some problems have gradually surfaced. This paper takes the “Chinese University MOOC” platform course “Performance and Appreciation of Chinese National Female Soprano Works” as a research case to discuss the existing problems in the construction of MOOC quality courses in Chinese universities. The results indicate that low registration numbers of learners, a student structure dominated by students from the host university, low participation in tests and assignments, and unsatisfactory interactive communication are the main existing problems. The primary causes of these issues include the focus of MOOC quality course construction primarily on students from the host university, neglecting social learners; an emphasis on construction over management, neglecting the organization and management of the teaching process; and excessive reliance on the MOOC platform for course promotion. Based on this, optimization suggestions are proposed, mainly to enhance the integration of MOOC course content, strengthen the organization and management of the MOOC course teaching process, innovate MOOC teaching models combining online and offline methods, and promote MOOC courses through multiple pathways and channels.

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