Detection of Covid-19 Cases from Chest X-Ray Images using CNN

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Vinston Raja R., Prabu Sankar N., Neela Gandhi V., Angel Kiruba D. R.


The occurrence of COVID-19 has brought the worldwide threat to the living society. The severity of the unwellness is often understood by the huge variety of deaths and affected patients globally. If the identification is fast, the illnesses are often controlled in a very higher manner. The factitious intelligence researcher’s square measure focusing their experience data to develop mathematical models for analyzing this epidemic scenario mistreatment nationwide shared information. To contribute towards the well-being of living society, during this project, Deep learning algorithmic program are going to be wont to determine the COVID infected patients through chest X-Ray pictures. By using, Convolutional Neural Network and Deep Neural Network, the chest X-Ray pictures are going to be analyzed to observe, whether or not the actual patient has the signatures of COVID-19 viruses or not. The performance of each the model is going to be compared on the experimental basis and deliver the simplest model to the clinical and health care domain.

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