Developing A Novel Load Balancing Approach for Mitigating Resource Contention in Multi-Cloud Environments

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Akrati Sharma, Priti Maheshwary, Timothy Malche


In the rapidly evolving landscape of cloud computing, the management of resources and load balancing across multiple cloud environments presents significant challenges. This paper proposes a novel approach to address resource contention issues in multi-cloud environments through the development of an innovative load-balancing mechanism. By leveraging advanced algorithms and dynamic resource allocation strategies, our approach aims to effectively distribute workloads across diverse cloud infrastructures, thereby optimizing resource utilization and mitigating contention. Through extensive experimentation and evaluation, we demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of our proposed solution in enhancing performance and resilience in multi-cloud deployments. Our findings underscore the importance of tailored load-balancing mechanisms in enabling scalable and reliable operations in complex cloud environments.    

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