Artistic Virtual Reality Scene Analysis Taking into Account the Interactive Digital Media Pattern Generation Technology

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Hong Zhu, Bo Chen


With the development of science and technology and the continuous strength of Chinese spiritual civilization, digital media patterns have penetrated into various fields and played a central role in them. This article studies the endless emergence of various new media, and the channels of information dissemination are becoming more and more abundant. With the development of science and technology, new media are gradually derived, such as: IPTV, electronic magazines, etc., which have developed on the basis of traditional media. But there is a qualitative difference from traditional media. Digital media has a profound impact on mass society.This article proposes that digital media has become the most important means of communication in the information society. The digital media creative industry and the country's economic development have formed a close relationship of interdependence and mutual promotion. Based on the interactive digital media model generation technology, the research of artistic virtual and real scene analysis is the main issue today. The experimental results of this paper show that through the experimental investigation and analysis in 2019 and 2020, it is found that the application trend of company A and B in the virtual reality situation has increased significantly. The application rate of company A and B in 2019 reached about 43%, but the trend is not unstable. However, in 2020, it can be clearly seen that the application rate of companies A and B in applying digital media patterns to virtual and real scenarios has stabilized, exceeding 35% every month. It can be seen in the text below that when the four models are in different periods, the value of the optimal solution is different, and when the model is at 0.1 and 31, the optimal solution appears.Experiments show that digital media is widely used in the analysis of virtual and real scenarios. Based on the new research field formed by the fusion and intersection of digital media patterns, starting with the changes in the main body, objects, tools and forms of virtual and real scene communication in the context of digital media, it conducts in-depth research on the creation of artistic virtual and real scenes from many aspects. 

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