Development of Athlete Health Monitoring and Early Warning System Based on Sensor Data

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Fulu Lv


An athlete health monitoring and early warning system based on sensor data utilizes wearable sensors to track various physiological parameters, such as heart rate, body temperature, oxygen saturation, and movement patterns. These sensors continuously collect real-time data during training sessions and competitions. Machine learning algorithms analyze the data to detect deviations from normal patterns and identify potential indicators of injury, fatigue, or overtraining. By monitoring athletes' health parameters over time and comparing them to established baseline values, the system can provide early warnings of potential health issues or performance declines. Coaches and medical staff can then intervene promptly with appropriate interventions, adjustments to training loads, or rest periods to prevent injuries and optimize athletes' performance and well-being. . The paper introduces the Reliable Fuzzy Sensor Optimized Automated Monitoring (RFSO-DL) system, a novel approach to athlete health monitoring leveraging fuzzy logic and sensor data optimization techniques. RFSO-DL offers a comprehensive solution for real-time assessment of athlete well-being by analyzing physiological measurements and activity levels. Through a series of experiments, the system demonstrates high accuracy, precision, recall, and F1 score in classifying athlete health status. Results indicate RFSO-DL's effectiveness in capturing subtle variations in health status and providing timely interventions. Through experiments, the system achieves impressive results, with accuracy ranging from 90.5% to 94.1%, precision from 85.8% to 91.2%, recall from 91.7% to 95.6%, and F1 score from 88.6% to 93.3%. These findings underscore RFSO-DL's potential to revolutionize athlete health monitoring by accurately classifying health status based on physiological measurements and activity levels.   

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