Multilingual Information Retrieval Using Graph Neural Networks: Practical Applications in English Translation

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Hao Yang, Ana Liu


Multilingual information retrieval using graph neural networks offers practical applications in English translation by leveraging advanced computational models to enhance the efficiency and accuracy of cross-lingual search and translation tasks. By representing textual data as graphs and utilizing graph neural networks (GNNs), this approach captures intricate relationships between words and phrases across different languages, enabling more effective language understanding and translation. GNNs can learn complex linguistic structures and semantic similarities from multilingual corpora, facilitating the development of more robust translation systems that are capable of handling diverse language pairs and domains. The paper introduces a novel approach termed the Multilingual Ant Bee Optimization Graph Neural Network (MABO-GNN) for addressing optimization, classification, and multilingual translation tasks. MABO-GNN integrates ant bee optimization algorithms with graph neural networks to provide a versatile framework capable of optimizing objective functions, improving classification accuracy iteratively, and facilitating high-quality translations across multiple languages. Through comprehensive experimentation, the efficacy of MABO-GNN is demonstrated across various tasks, languages, and datasets. in optimization experiments, MABO-GNN achieves objective function values of 0.012, 0.015, 0.011, and 0.013 in Experiment 1, Experiment 2, Experiment 3, and Experiment 4, respectively, with convergence times ranging from 90 to 150 seconds. In classification tasks, the model exhibits notable performance improvements over iterations, with BLEU scores reaching 0.84 and METEOR scores reaching 0.78 in the fifth iteration. The translation results showcase BLEU scores of 0.85 for English, 0.82 for French, 0.79 for German, 0.81 for Spanish, and 0.75 for Chinese, indicating the model's proficiency in generating high-quality translations across diverse languages.   

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