Design and Application of English-Chinese Bilingual Teaching Model Based on Multimodal Learning

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Yuanyuan Zhang


In the globalized landscape of education, the demand for effective bilingual teaching models has become increasingly prominent, particularly in English and Chinese instruction. this study introduces the Bilingual Teaching Random Conditional Field (BTRCF) as a novel approach to designing and implementing an English-Chinese Bilingual Teaching Model based on Multimodal Learning. The principles of multimodal learning, which integrates various modes of communication such as visual, auditory, and kinaesthetic, the BTRCF model aims to provide students with a comprehensive and immersive language learning experience. The BTRCF model capitalizes on the complementary strengths of both English and Chinese languages, aiming to cultivate bilingual proficiency while fostering cross-cultural understanding among students. By incorporating elements from each language and leveraging multimodal learning strategies, the BTRCF model provides students with a comprehensive language learning experience that extends beyond mere linguistic proficiency to encompass cultural appreciation and intercultural competence. By capitalizing on the complementary strengths of both languages, this model seeks to foster bilingual proficiency while promoting cross-cultural understanding among students. with the BTRCF model have shown promising results, with an average increase of 25% in students' bilingual proficiency scores compared to traditional teaching methods. Additionally, qualitative assessments reveal high levels of student engagement and satisfaction with the multimodal learning approach employed by the BTRCF model, indicating its potential to revolutionize bilingual education practices.   

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