Aluminium Scandium Nitride Thin Film BAW Resonators (FBAR) for 5G Applications

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Poorvi K. Joshi, Milind S. Narlawar, Pradnya Morey, Reema Roychaudhary, Pradnya A. Jadhav


With the growing impact of 5G communication system, Radio-Frequency Micro-Electro-Mechanical-Systems (RF MEMS) technologies are becoming increasingly important in our daily lives. Development of filters in the 5G frequency range is being carried out tremendously. The rapid rise in smartphone usage, heightened data demands, congestion in the frequency spectrum, and advancements in technology have posed numerous challenges for the development of RF filters. The ultimate goal is to simplify the RF Front End Module used in smart phones, thereby achieving better selectivity. In this paper, a high frequency - high Q thin film bulk acoustic wave resonator of piezoelectric material Aluminium scandium nitride (AlScN)based FBAR is designed for 5G Application. Finite element analysis conducted using the COMSOL Multiphysics software assess the characteristics of the constructed FBAR. The outcomes indicate that the device resonates effectively at 5 GHz, exhibiting commendable return loss and a Q-factor of 1490. A high-resonance-frequency FBAR device offers advantages for 5G mobile technology.

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