Chat Kanoon: A Novel Approach to Legal Assistance in India

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Ayan J. Shaikh, Zainab Mirza, Fazal J. Parkar, Mohd Maaz A. Shaikh, Afeef Ahmed, Abdul Qayyum A. R. Khan


This paper presents ChatKanoon, an innovative multilingual AI chatbot tailored for the Indian legal system. Utilising advanced language models like GPT-4 and Llama2 70B, ChatKanoon employs instructional techniques rather than traditional model fine-tuning, to provide contextually relevant legal advice. This approach addresses critical challenges in India's legal sector, including limited access to legal information, high service costs, and the scarcity of specialised guidance. ChatKanoon's development involved using a diverse array of legal documents and case laws, which enabled the chatbot to deliver precise and reliable legal information. The paper describes the application of instructional techniques in guiding language models, the process of dataset utilisation, and the development of an intuitive chatbot interface. ChatKanoon is positioned as a tool to democratise legal information, making it more accessible and affordable, thereby enhancing the efficiency of legal procedures in India. The paper concludes by discussing the current limitations and future potential of ChatKanoon, along with the broader impact of AI-driven legal assistance tools in developing countries. ChatKanoon exemplifies the transformative role of AI in the legal domain, with the potential to revolutionise legal aid in India and beyond.

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