IOT Based Monitoring Model to Identify and Classify the Grading of Fruits and Vegetables

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Krishna Kant Agarwal, Sonia Rani, Upasna Joshi, Nitesh Singh Bhati, Priya Sharma, Santosh Kumar, Santosh Rani


Thirty to forty percent of the fruits and vegetables harvested are discarded at this time due to the large number of employees with no training.  A growing problem throughout reaping is fruit and vegetable waste because human judgment is subjective when it comes to crop recognition, categorization, and assessment.  The fruit and vegetable business is in serious require of the launch and deployment of a robotic system in order to classify and grade fruits and vegetables based on their level of ripeness. Machine learning techniques can produce a sophisticated machine learning framework that can differentiate among fruits and vegetables based upon their category, variation, development, and preservation using relevant and suitable computational imaging ideas. We analyzed, contrasted, and proposed an Internet of Things-based monitoring approach in this work for identifying, classifying, and grading fruits and vegetables.

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