Tour Sentiments Personalized Recommendations System Using AI and Deep Learning

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Jay Thakker, Aniket Pradhan, Sarvesh Dongare, Parth Wande, Dashrath Mane, Prashant Kanade


In a world saturated with travel information overload and generic recommendations, "Tour Sentiments: A Personalized Travel Recommendation System Using AI " emerges as a groundbreaking initiative. This project seeks to transform travel planning by harnessing the capabilities of Artificial Intelligence and real-time google Maps with street view and duration of travel. The primary goal of 'Tour Sentiments' is to create a personalized travel recommendation system that adapts to the changing emotions and preferences of travelers. By employing real-time sentiment analysis using google gemini, the system aims to offer tailored suggestions that align closely with individuals' current feelings and desires, departing from conventional one-size-fits-all approaches. Beyond mere efficiency, the ultimate vision of 'Tour Sentiments' is to elevate the travel experience, infusing it with joy, discovery, and lasting memories. Through the amalgamation of AI and sentiment analysis, the project aspires to make global exploration more accessible and captivating, setting a new standard for personalized travel guidance and enriching journeys worldwide.

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