A synchrophasor measurement-based fault locator with novel fault detection technique
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Exact fault location detection is vital for power system restoration and security purposes. The line parameters plays a key role for accurately detecting fault location in a transmission line of a power network. In other fault location algorithms, line parameters used are approximately constant and they varies with weather and loading conditions also. So, an algorithm which is independent of the line parameters, is more accurate, flexible and robust.This paper presents a numerical algorithm for locating fault in a short transmission line with improved accuracy. This algorithm is independent of the line parameters for locating fault and accuracy of the algorithm is improved by using filtering algorithm. The performance of the algorithm is tested on several power networks by Simulation carried out by PSCAD/EMTDC. It is found that the accuracy of the algorithm can be further improved by using a Butterworth 2nd order filter, which is used for the better refinement of collected current and voltage signals and to eliminate unwanted frequency components. A fault classification approach by use of zero sequence components of power and a faulty phase detection approach by the study of change of phase currents are also presented in the paper.