Performance Investigation on PMSG based Fractional Frequency Transmission Systems via XLPE cables for Offshore Wind Power
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Presently, the research on Fractional Frequency Transmission System (FFTS) is fastened for the megawatt Offshore Wind Farms (OWF). FFTS has an ability to overcome the problem of charging current presented in the HVAC transmission and will effectively serve as an alternative to the traditional transmission systems. The basic structures and characteristics of a typical PMSG-based FFTS via XLPE cable for offshore wind power system is proposed and described first. Then the technical performance of power transmission through XLPE cable is evaluated by comparing the different cables such as flat and trefoil formation. Simulation results showcase notable enhancements in power transfer capacity, decreased power losses, and improved performance of control schemes. The feasibility studies describe the performance of FFTS (16.67 Hz) via trefoil cable is superior than FFTS flat formation cable transmission.
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