Investigating the Interaction Between Social Media Use and Depression among the Young

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Truong My An, Sean Watts, Tran Minh Tung


Purpose – This paper investigates how depression and social media use are related among the young, encompassing how utilization of social media affects depression, how depression impacts social media use, and the correlation between social media use and depression.

Methodology – Applying the literature review method, Scopus, Web of Science, Emerald, Science Direct, JSTOR, Wiley Online Library, SpringerLink, Taylor and Francis Online were selected as search databases and identified 17 papers that fulfilled the authors’ requirements.

Findings – First, social media use and depression can be impacted by geographical locations between the East and the West. Second, the amount of time, the quantity, and the behavior of the young spend on social media significantly impact their well-being. Third, the correlation between depression and social media use is influenced by ideological representation, besides FOMO. The association between social media use and depression might also be significantly mediated by personality traits.

Value – The association between social media use and depression was determined in the present investigation. First, the literature review addressing the connection between social media use and depression among the young was assembled. Second, possible explanations for the discrepancies in the results were presented. Third, potential relationships between social media use and depression were clarified.   

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