Prediction of stator terminal voltages in IPMSM based on static and transient FEM solution: Trade-offbetween accuracy and speed of computation
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The present work deals with the calculation of the time varying induced emf in permanent magnet synchronous machines from the numerical finite element solution. A review of the existing methods is presented; their intrinsic merits, in terms of accuracy and speed of computation, are compared. The currently used method, which relies on a weighting averaging procedure of the magnetic vector potential (MVP) over the slot area in order to derive the winding flux linkage and the stator induced, has been modified to enhance its accuracy. An alternative method, which relies on the magnetic vector potential distribution along the mid airgap line, is proposed to carry out the same task. This approach has turned out to be very efficient since it enables a straightforward data handling, signal reconstruction, filtering and spectrum analysis of the relevant waveforms to be easily implemented in a single post-processing function. Finally, the relevance and efficiency of each method, in terms of accuracy and speed of computation, has been confirmed by the experimental results.