A Three-phase unsymmetrical distribution power flow solution based on symmetrical component theory
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Aiming at the three-phase unsymmetrical distribution network, this paper proposed a threesequence components decoupled power flow method based on the node-branch incidence matrix. The three-sequence decoupled models were established based on symmetrical component theory by utilizing the weakly coupling feature of three-phase unsymmetrical distribution networks. The algorithm simplifies the complexity of the distribution network and reduces the dimensions of the matrix, so the calculation process is relatively simple. Moreover, a new approach deal with the PV nodes was developed based on the assumption that the positive-sequence voltage magnitude of PV node is sustained at a given fixed value. The formula to calculate the reactive power increment for each PV node was derived based on Thevenin equivalent circuit theory. The test results show that the proposed method and PV nodes processing approach have better convergence and faster calculating speed.