Fault diagnosis in high-speed computing systems using big data analytics integrated evolutionary computing on the Internet of Everything platform

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P.Jothi, Mona Dwivedi


The significance of high-speed computing systems is paramount for diverse applications. However, their intricate structure and rigorous operational prerequisites render them susceptible to malfunctions. The conventional fault diagnosis models need help managing the copious data produced by these systems, resulting in diagnostic procedures that are both time-consuming and ineffective. The research proposed an Internet of Everything (IoE) platform and big data analytics (BDA) based Fault Diagnosis System (IBFDS) in conjunction with evolutionary computing techniques. The system integrates a hybrid intelligent algorithm that amalgamates the advantages of evolutionary computing and machine learning to enhance the precision and effectiveness of fault diagnosis. The utilization of big data analysis methodologies facilitates the processing and examination of vast quantities of system data, thereby enabling the comprehensive detection and identification of faults. Furthermore, cloud services based on the IoE allow data storage, administration, and instantaneous cooperation among various parties involved.

Furthermore, a detection technique utilizing a Reduced Boltzmann Machine (RBoM) improves the precision of fault diagnosis. The efficacy of the proposed IBFDS was demonstrated through experimental evaluation using a high-speed computing system dataset. The results obtained were impressive, with a fault detection rate (94.11%), fault identification accuracy (93.76%), fault localization accuracy (93.71%), false positive rate (1.54%), and false negative rate (0.98%). The findings of this study make a valuable contribution to the advancement of fault diagnosis systems that are resilient and effective for high-speed computing systems. This facilitates proactive maintenance, enhances system reliability, and optimizes system performance.

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