A Blockchain Empowered Smart Home Access Scheme Based on Zero-trust Architecture

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Peng Liu, Yinghui Xu, Yanqing Wang, Ping Fan


The rapid popularity of smart home devices worldwide has brought a lot of convenience to people’s lives and spawned numerous new applications. However, it has also elevated data and privacy security risks in household scenarios to an unprecedented level. In this paper, we propose a device access solution based on a zero-trust network architecture to address the cybersecurity risks in smart home scenarios. The proposed solution utilizes a zero-knowledge identity verification algorithm based on quadratic residues to achieve mutual authentication and authorization between devices and central control without exposing device privacy. To enhance the efficiency of verification and authorization, we introduce an incentive model based on information asymmetric algorithms, distributing a portion of the verification tasks to devices with redundant computing power. By comparing with traditional methods, this solution demonstrates higher security, improved verification efficiency, and optimized allocation of computing resources, all while protecting device privacy.

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