Beyond Pedagogical Expertise: Best Practices of Classroom Advisers Toward an Effective Advising Framework

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Renedict B. De Leon


Teachers do not just teach as they also fill the role of being classroom advisers of their students. This study explores their best practices through their lived experiences in managing the students in terms of their academic responsibilities, behavior, and even personal problems. The study employed a qualitative research design specifically a phenomenological approach wherein the participants of the study were selected through homogeneous purposive sampling. A series of semi-structured interviews were conducted after that, the interviews were transcribed and analyzed. The researcher came up with six emergent themes: (1) Raison d’etre: Reason for Being; (2) Development through Challenges; (3) Secure Attachment; (4) Observance of In Loco Parentis; (5) Adaptive Strategies, and; (6) Evidence of Success. It was found that classroom advisers described their lived experiences as challenging yet fulfilling duties. The best practices of classroom advisers involve establishing a connection with the students, valuing individuality, having constant communication, providing guidance, practicing parenting roles, yearning for the success of the students, being proactive, observing inclusivity in the classroom, and setting boundaries. The evidence of the success of their best practices, as presented by participants, includes gaining the trust of their students through listening and sharing stories, receiving messages of appreciation, and seeing the students transform for the better. An Effective Advising Framework was proposed based on the findings of the study which could be helpful in the classroom advisers for both public and private educational institutions.

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