Design of a Decision Support System for Power Plant Thermal Efficiency Management at PLTU X

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I. Wayan Cahya Prabawa, I. Ketut Gunarta


Efficiency management is one of the important pillars of the asset management system implemented at PLTU X based on PJBS guidelines to manage the power plant reliably and efficiently, which can support realising the company's vision of becoming a trusted power plant manager in Southeast Asia. As with efficiency management functions in other lines, the aim of power plant efficiency management is also to reduce production costs and ensure that the plant can operate efficiently all the time by controlling thermal losses in the power plant cycle. Determining efficiency management recommendations is very necessary to minimise the level of thermal losses that occur in the power plant's thermal cycle after evaluation. There is a series of evaluation processes that must be carried out to determine recommendations for optimising generator efficiency management; however, the process is currently still manual and takes a long time. With the advantages of a decision support system, which is usually used in determining systematic strategic decisions, it is hoped that this design can help engineers determine steps based on recommendations produced by the system precisely and in real-time so that they can be executed immediately to increase the efficiency of power plants even more. optimal.   

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