Design and Implementation of a LoRa Technology - Based Smart Home Monitoring Circuit

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Hussam Dheaa Kamel Al-janabi


This paper offers a detailed design and real-world execution of a complex electrical circuit for smart homes that employs LoRa technology to monitor significant environmental conditions and the operating state of home equipment. The circuit's novel design allows it to monitor power usage and the on/off state of home appliances, in addition to measuring temperature and humidity with extreme precision. With its reputation for long-range and low-power wireless communication, LoRa technology is used by the core microcontroller of the system, which also processes sensor data. This is why the system works particularly effectively in large residences where other wireless technologies would have trouble. The solution ensures consistent and dependable data transmission using LoRa, even in the face of the common architectural obstacles seen in residential environments. To facilitate data analysis and remote monitoring, an electrical circuit was made to be readily linked to a central hub for home automation. A comprehensive assessment procedure was used for implementation in different household environments to determine responsiveness, dependability, and user-centered design. The empirical findings demonstrate how well the circuit works to provide homes with practical advice on how to best regulate device use and optimize the interior temperature, which eventually improves comfort and energy efficiency. To achieve next-generation home automation systems, LoRa-based solutions are critical, and the article concludes by analyzing the consequences of this study on the future landscape of smart-house technologies.

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