Addressing the Requirements of EAP Students by Analyzing Their Demands in the Technological and Information Program

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Piping Rahadianto, Muchlas Suseno, Liliana Muliastuti


The aim of the research is to determine the specific requirements and needs of both students and lecturers in the EAP program for the Technology and Information Education Department in East Java Indonesia. A qualitative research design was adopted, utilizing closed-ended questionnaires to collect in-depth information. Contacts were made with Technology and Information students and EAP lecturers. The data collected through online forms focused on identifying needs, lacks, and wants. The data was then analyzed through coding and categorizing in a quantitative manner. The results indicate that both students and lecturers believe that the main areas of concern for prospective Technology and Information students are the need for English materials tailored to their specific field of study, as they have a limited English language proficiency. They expressed a desire for reading materials that align with their future careers. Lecturers identified the main need as English teaching materials aligned with EAP principles, and they also mentioned a lack of appropriate EAP resources and expressed a need for teaching materials focused on reading for students majoring in Technology and Information Education

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