The Features of Creation of an Urban Building Environment with Completion of Underground Infrastructure Areas of the City of Yerevan

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Emilia Mkrtich Sargsyan, Hayk Artur Dheryan, Milena Hayk Manvelyan


Underground areas are those parts of the city that can become the best way to overcome the expansion of the surrounding areas of the city, thanks to which new ideas can be created and developed, achieving eco-economic success, creating new opportunities to ensure people's livelihood and security. Underground areas can include transportation structures, passageways, industrial buildings, and public service infrastructure. Basically, the underground areas, developing vertically on several levels, extend under the crowded zones of the city center, in the areas adjacent to the transport hubs. The unloading of above-ground urban areas can lead to the positive process that freed areas will be used to create green zones, improving the sanitary and hygienic condition of the city. It will allow maintaining the existing urban environment, creating favorable conditions for improving people's living activities.  

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