Experimental and Didactical Strategy to Improve Understanding of the Fundamental Concepts in Quantum Physics.
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Quantum physics is an essential theory serving to explore nature at its smallest scales. Interaction between elemental particles in matter is leading toward new potential alternatives for producing decarbonized clean energies. Despite its importance, students find difficulties in understanding quantum mechanics due to a wrong categorization of the fundamental concepts. Studying quantum physics needs a new flexible ontology in which the quantum entity can have particle or wave properties depending on the context. We developed a workshop in quantum devices to put concepts into the correct conceptual categorization. With the aim of strengthening interinstitutional exchange, we realized the workshop with a population conformed by environmental engineering students of the Corporación Universitaria Uniagraria. Meeting took place in the Institución Universitaria Politécnico Grancolombiano facilities. Laser, LED (Light Emitting Diode), and photocell were the devices used to introduce the most fundamental concepts of quantum physics. The theoretical component of the workshop was divided into two main elements, the first, radiation-matter interaction, and the second, electrical transport mechanisms in materials. Pedagogical instruments employed were diagnostic proof, evaluative proof, and satisfaction inquiry. Despite the success achieved in the general realization of the workshop, students suggested some aspects for considering in future versions.
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