Development of an electronic dictionary of terminology for school textbooks

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Gulmira Bekmanova, Altynbek Sharipbay, Dinara Kabdylova, Nurzada Amangeldy, Ayaulym Sairanbekova, Assel Omarbekova, Altanbek Zulkhazhav


This research, funded under the BR11765535 “Development of Scientific and Linguistic Foundations and IT Resources to Expand the Functions and Improve the Culture of the Kazakh Language” project, aimed at advancing the scientific and linguistic foundations of the Kazakh language and enhancing its role in interethnic communication through digital resources. Focusing on the urgent need for specialized digital terminological dictionaries for school subjects, the project addresses the limitations of existing resources, particularly for school students. The article discusses the criteria for inclusion in the terminological dictionary, emphasizing the significance, frequency, and thematic relevance of terms across various subjects. The project has undertaken the compilation of a comprehensive database covering key school subjects in the Kazakh language.

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