Artificial Selection Program for the Improvement of Genetics in Bovine Animals

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Julissa Elizabeth Reyna-Gonzalez, Jorge Rubén Hilario Cárdenas, Janeth Leynig Tello Cornejo , Marco Alberto Suárez Pozo , Ines Eusebia Jesús Tolentino


The present work focuses on the study of animal genetic improvement in bovines of the city of Huánuco with genetic algorithms which will help to improve in each new generation of bovine calves both the physical characteristics and adaptation to new environments, also in improving meat and milk.

Evaluate productive records of animals with multiple crossings to determine differences at the productive level. The data that belong to bovines with multiple racial component belonging to the Huánuco farms dedicated to the production of meat and milk. The high dispersion of the offspring values and the high genetic correlation between the evaluated traits allowed the identification of animals with high genetic merit, meriting their potential use as parents of the next generation.

All of this will serve as a reference for new care processes in raising and feeding bovines

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