Implementation of Fuzzy Delphi & Topsis Methods in Determining Priority Locations for Fiber to the Home Network Deployment

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Christian Arman Lalang, Mohammad Isa Irawan


The study tested the fuzzy Delphi and TOPSIS methods to obtain the dominant criteria that management needs to consider in prioritizing FTTH construction locations. The weighting is obtained from the fuzzy Delphi scores from the data processing of questionnaires distributed to 9 expert respondents who have been selected based on their experience in FTTH. The research results in13 criterias along with weight values that meet the fuzzy Delphi criteria with a threshold value ≤ 0.2 and a consensus value of experts >75%. These criteria include: population (0.9111), number of registered customers (0.9111), purchasing power (0.900), analysis of operating areas (0.8815), business and office areas (0.8704), port occupancy (0. 8630), ARPU Value (0.8296), Core Backbone (0.8074), Customer Loyalty (0.8000), Port Availability (0.7815), Licensing (0.7778), Government Special Requirements (0.7704), and Competitor Service Delivery (0.5667). The ten criteria that were agreed to be the most dominant in terms of influence were tested using the TOPSIS method and resulted in five priority locations for FTTH network development, namely STO Mattoangin (0.6331), STO Bone (0.4808), STO Sinjai (0.4529), STO Selayar (0.4455) and STO Pangkep (0.4450).

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