Sentiment Analysis of Filipinos About Online Classes in the Post-Pandemic Era using Machine Learning and Code Switching

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James Michael P. Bañes , Oscar III L. Cabarron , Angie M. Ceniza-Canillo


Understanding the issue faced during and after the pandemic is a concern of the educational system in the country, particularly the feelings of teachers and students regarding the matter. In this post-pandemic era of the years 2021-present, online learning continues to be a norm and its implementation still causes issues for some students and teachers alike. Student satisfaction and Instructor preparedness are both key factors to effective delivery of education through online learning. This study aimed to develop a model that analyzes the Filipino public sentiment on the implementation of online classes using Machine Learning. Result revealed that the Filipinos sentiment towards online classes are predominantly positive. The output of the study will be used for better and improved delivery of online classes in the Philippines in the post covid-19 pandemic era.

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