Perception of Agricultural and Agro-Industrial Companies about the Management of Research, Technological Development and Innovation of the Agro-Industrial Technological Innovation Center Ica - Peru

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Raquel M. Sotomayor-Parian , Martin M. Soto-Cordova


The Centers for Productive Innovation and Technology Transfer (CITE) promote innovation and drive the use of new technologies among producers, companies, associations and cooperatives in each productive chain (i.e., agro-industrial, leather and footwear, fishing and aquaculture, wood and forestry, and so on). The objective of this article is to analyze the level of perception of the management of research, development and innovation (R&D&i) of the CITEagroindustrial Ica in agricultural and agro-industrial companies in Peru. The study is based on a quantitative approach, the data were collected from 304 responses from surveyed agricultural and agroindustrial companies that received some technological service at CITEagroindustrial Ica. The results show the level of R&D&i management of the CITEagroindustrial that allows identifying opportunities for improvement to energize the agro-industrial value chains of export products in Peru, which is relevant for developing countries. Likewise, it can be replicated in other CITEs.

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