Simplify Standard Operations Procedure Electrical Equipment with QR Codes in Order to Optimize Practical Learning at PT PLN (PERSERO) UPDL Palembang

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Fajrie Agus Dwino Putra ST. MM Zulhipni Reno Saputra ST. MKom


PT PLN UPDL Palembang is one of the training units for all PLN employees in the southern Sumatra region. In organizing practicum learning, it is very important to ensure that all equipment used is covered by standard operating procedure (SOP) documents. The unavailability of SOP documents has the potential to result in work accidents for participants and learning instructors. In addition, the unavailability of SOP can result in damage to equipment. The unavailability of SOP documents is due to several things. Among them: its existence is unknown; the SOP is too large to be impractical; and the SOP is lost or damaged. Based on data from the last 10 years at PLN UPDL Palembang, there are 45 pieces of practicum equipment damaged because they did not follow SOP, or equivalent to Rp. 283,405,000. To ensure the SOPs are always available, they are made in digital and online form. The SOP document is then created as a QR code, which is printed in small size. The QR code sticker is affixed to the practice equipment. To use digital SOP, users only need to scan the QR code via smartphone on each device. One piece of equipment has one QR code.

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