Enhancing Reliability of Advanced Driver-Assistance Systems through Predictive Maintenance and Data-Driven Insights

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Amit Jain, Vishal Goyal, Kamal Sharma


The advancement of Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) marks a pivotal evolution in automotive technology, aiming to enhance road safety and driving efficiency through a wide array of functionalities like blind spot detection, emergency braking, and adaptive cruise control. This research paper delves into the operational integrity, performance metrics, and maintenance strategies of ADAS components, underpinned by a comprehensive methodology involving data collection, pre-processing, feature engineering, machine learning model development, and rigorous validation processes. Systematic inspection of ADAS components indicates their importance in vehicle safety and reliability. The visibility, distance, speed, and steering angle of front cameras, LiDAR, radar, and ultrasonic sensors are carefully evaluated. Maintenance logs show proactive error code management, boosting efficiency. SVM, Gradient Boosting, and Random Forest machine learning models predicted ADAS component failures during validation and testing. Random Forest scored 90% accuracy, 92% precision, 88% recall, and 90% F1. Gradient Boosting was the most accurate, with 93% accuracy, 94% precision, 91% recall, and 92% F1. SVM predicted ADAS component failures with 88% accuracy, 90% precision, 85% recall, and 87% F1 score. Machine learning helps shift from reactive to proactive maintenance. Modelling sensor signal quality, actuator reaction times, error code frequencies, and maintenance intervals enables predictive maintenance and failure detection. Feature engineering builds predictive models using maintenance logs and operational KPIs. The models predict ADAS component failures, boosting vehicle safety and dependability. Using external data improves predictive maintenance models. The maintenance model's adaptability and forecast accuracy are proved by ADAS operation after traffic, accident, and manufacturer upgrades. Predictive maintenance and machine learning improve ADAS dependability and safety, the study found. Advanced analytics and data-driven insights can reduce automotive system failures, improving safety and reliability. 

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