An Enhanced AES-ECC model with Key Dependent Dynamic S-Box for the Security of Mobile Applications using Cloud Computing

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Maria Navin J R , Nagaraj M Lutimath


The spectacular growth of computational clouds has drawn attention and enabled intensive computing on client devices with constrained resources. Smart phones mostly use the data centre demand service model to provide data to computationally intensive applications. It is challenging to outsource sensitive and private information to distant data centres due to growing concerns about data privacy and security. Therefore, conventional security algorithms have to be upgraded to address the brand-new security concerns that have emerged in the cloud environment. The Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) algorithm encrypts and decrypts messages using the four steps, namely Sub-Bytes, Shift-Rows, Mix-Columns, and Add Round Key. It has been changed so that the Sub-byte transformation depends on the round key. Making the S box round key dependent is intended to make it such that even a little change in the key will have a big impact on the cipher text. The avalanche effect and execution time of the standard and modified AES algorithms are implemented and assessed.  In order to suggest a safe and efficient solution, the study also aims to modify the shift rows and the mix column phases of AES. Using cryptographic techniques such as elliptic curve cryptography (ECC), several protocols and algorithms have been developed to guarantee the security and integrity of the data. The proposed solution combines the enhanced and updated The Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) technology with the ECC to guarantee data secrecy.  The avalanche effect approach is used in this study to explore and analyze the strength and quality of the new s-box. The results demonstrated that each encryption operation generates a unique cipher text. A strong avalanche effect was also achieved with the redesigned dynamic s-box using irreducible polynomials, surpassing the strict avalanche criterion (SAC). The results show that the proposed method ECC-EAESKDS Elliptic Curve Cryptography-Enhanced AES with Key Dependent S box is efficient and yields better results than the alternatives. According to the suggested security architecture, cloud users may control data protection and integrity in a secure manner.

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