Detection of Age Related Macular Degeneration

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Fatima Mohammad Amin, Sriharipriya K. C., Christopher Clement J., Babitha Lincy R., Gerardine Immaculate Mary, Jency Rubia J.


A component of the eye called the retina converts light into electrical impulses. The brain then transforms these impulses into pictures, which gives us the ability to see. When AMD (Age Related Macular Degeneration), a serious condition of the retina, initially appears, cells begin to disintegrate in the macular. One's ability to read, write, and perform several other daily tasks is thereby permanently reduced. A Matlab-based decision-making system is required to diagnose AMD and assess its state fast and easily. Rapid results and less physical labour on the side of the doctor are advantages. This can be done by segmenting the blood vessels of the retinal fundus images and visually identifying AMD and even observing the difference among Wet and Dry AMD.

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