Improved fuzzy logic based DTC of induction machine for wide range of speed control using AI based controllers
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This paper presents improvements in Direct Torque control of induction motor using Fuzzy logic switching controller (FDTC). The conventional DTC (CDTC) and FDTC drive performance is compared using Conventional PI, Fuzzy controller and Neural Network controllers. The major disadvantages of CDTC are high torque and flux ripples in steady state operation of the drive, inferior performance at low speed operation and variable switching frequency. The presence of hysteresis bands is the major reason for high torque and flux ripples in CDTC. In FDTC the hysteresis band and switching table are replaced by Fuzzy logic switching controller. Using fuzzy logic torque, stator flux space are divided into smaller subsections which results in precise and optimal selection of switching state to meet load torque. In high performance drives accurate tuning of PI speed controller is required. The conventional PI controller cannot adapt to the variation in model parameters. Artificial intelligence based fuzzy controller and neural network controller are compared with PI controller for both CDTC and FDTC of Induction machine. The proposed schemes are developed in Matlab/Simulink environment. Simulation results shows reduction in torque and flux ripples in FDTC and dynamic performance of the drive at low speeds and sudden change in load torque can be improved using Fuzzy logic controller compared to PI and neural network controller.