Secure Image Encryption Techniques with Fuzzy based Operation Modes for Trustworthy Accessing in Communication Devices

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Morarjee Kolla, K. Rajendra Prasad, K. Sreenivasulu, Y. Rama Mohan, Chatakunta Praveen Kumar


Digital networks present a number of interesting research problems, one of which is the secure image transfer through various channels of communication. In these circumstances, cryptography algorithms are commonly employed to securely encrypt and decode data at both the sending and receiving ends. To determine the most effective method of image encryption, a wide range of modern algorithms are analysed and compared. In this study, we describe several fuzzy modes of operation for image encryption. It guarantees the safety of digital image transfer. The work's goal is to provide the most trustworthy image encryption possible; This is achieved by integrating image encryption methods into a hybrid fuzzy based architecture. The proposed composite fuzzy-based encrypted systems (CFES) are recommended for use in order to ensure the security of data on various communications media. The composite fuzzy-based encrypted systems provide strong security while yet protecting users' privacy while viewing image content.

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