Clinical Applications of Machine Learning in the Diagnosis, Classification and Prediction of Heart Failure

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Eman H. Abd-Elkawy, Rabie Ahmed


Heart failure (HF) remains a leading cause of mortality and morbidity worldwide, necessitating innovative approaches to its diagnosis, classification, and management. This paper explores the transformative potential of machine learning (ML) technologies in the realm of cardiology, with a particular focus on heart failure. Through a comprehensive review and analysis, we examine the application of various ML algorithms in enhancing the accuracy and efficiency of HF diagnosis, the nuanced classification of its types and stages, and the predictive modeling of patient outcomes. The synthesis of findings highlights the integration of ML with traditional clinical practices, underscoring the improved diagnostic and prognostic capabilities thus afforded. Additionally, the paper addresses the challenges of data quality, privacy concerns, and the integration of ML tools into existing healthcare systems. By presenting case studies and emerging trends, we illuminate the path forward in leveraging big data and AI to revolutionize heart failure care. This research not only underscores the significant strides made in applying ML to heart failure but also charts a course for future investigations and clinical implementations that could further enhance patient outcomes and healthcare efficiencies.

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