An Approach Towards Standardization of Ehr with Efficient Accessibility of Data on Demand: A Review

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Rekha S. Dange Vairagade, Minakshi Wanjari


Standardization of medical terminologies and the centralized electronic medical record (EMR) are the most addressed discussion in the healthcare industries. Patient master records and the treatment statistics records has wide spectrum and dynamic data structure. These records have high growth rate with huge volume over the period and which requires proper structured data base management system. Data science and the analytics could solve the problem of data management, but trust about data storage over the cloud may become major issue. These records may be archived for better storage management and could be replicated over multiple cloud or kept in a distributed manner for extended security. On other hand medical data generated through wearable medical devices or the portable devices used by home care patients may be connected to multiple cloud servers for better accessibility and security. Proposed system is to develop a generic medical record management system over multiple cloud and designing the Body Area Network (BAN) architecture connected to distributed cloud for data accessibility and security.

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