Evaluation of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Culture Atmosphere in Universities Based on Sentiment Analysis

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Yuanyuan Wu


The entrepreneurship culture atmosphere in universities plays a pivotal role in shaping the mindset and behavior of students towards innovation and risk-taking. Through sentiment analysis, universities can gauge the prevailing attitudes and emotions towards entrepreneurship among students and faculty members. A positive entrepreneurship culture atmosphere fosters an environment of creativity, resilience, and collaboration, encouraging students to pursue entrepreneurial ventures and take calculated risks. By promoting a supportive ecosystem that celebrates failure as a learning opportunity and provides resources and mentorship for budding entrepreneurs, universities can cultivate an entrepreneurial spirit among their community members. Moreover, sentiment analysis enables universities to identify areas for improvement and tailor interventions to enhance the entrepreneurship culture atmosphere further. This paper presents an evaluation of the innovation and entrepreneurship culture atmosphere in universities using sentiment analysis, enhanced by Automated Recommender Probabilistic bi-gram Sentimental Analysis (ARPbi-gSA). The research aims to assess the prevailing sentiments and attitudes towards innovation and entrepreneurship among students and faculty members within university communities. Through the analysis of textual data from various sources such as social media posts, surveys, and academic literature, the ARPbi-gSA algorithm evaluates the sentiment expressed towards entrepreneurship initiatives, programs, and events. Results from sentiment analysis provide insights into the overall positivity or negativity surrounding the entrepreneurship culture atmosphere, identifying strengths and areas for improvement. The sentiment analysis conducted using ARPbi-gSA revealed a sentiment score of 0.75, indicating a predominantly positive sentiment towards entrepreneurship initiatives within the university. Out of 1000 social media posts analyzed, 650 expressed positive sentiments, while 250 were neutral, and 100 were negative, reflecting an overall positive sentiment towards entrepreneurship culture. Based on the sentiment analysis findings, the ARPbi-gSA algorithm provided recommendations for enhancing the entrepreneurship culture atmosphere, resulting in a 15% increase in student participation in entrepreneurial activities over the academic year.

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