Virtual Reality Technology in Practical Teaching Methods

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Fuqiang Qiu, Yinhui Hao


This paper explores the integration of virtual reality (VR) technology into practical teaching methods, enhanced by the Whale Optimized Feature Extraction Recurrent Classification (WOFERC) model. The study aims to enhance the effectiveness and engagement of practical learning experiences through immersive VR simulations. Using simulated experiments and empirical validations, the efficacy of the WOFERC-enhanced VR teaching approach is evaluated. Results demonstrate significant improvements in student performance and engagement compared to traditional methods. For example, students using the WOFERC-enhanced VR platform achieved an average score increase of 20% in practical assessments. Additionally, the framework allowed instructors to optimize teaching strategies based on real-time student feedback, leading to more effective and personalized instruction. These findings highlight the potential of VR technology with WOFERC in transforming practical teaching methods and fostering immersive and impactful learning experiences.

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