Simulation and Optimization of Landscape Planning and Design Based on Virtual Reality Technology

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Xuen Hou, Qiuyue Shan


Virtual reality (VR) is transforming the landscape design and planning industry by offering immersive and interactive tools for visualization and decision-making. With VR technology, designers and planners can create realistic 3D environments that allow stakeholders to experience proposed designs in a virtual space before implementation. This enables them to explore different design options, evaluate spatial relationships, and assess the impact of various elements such as vegetation, topography, and infrastructure. VR also facilitates collaboration among project stakeholders by providing a shared platform for communication and feedback. By immersing themselves in virtual landscapes, clients, designers, and stakeholders can better understand design concepts and make informed decisions, leading to more efficient and successful projects. This paper introduces a novel approach to simulating and optimizing landscape planning and design using virtual reality (VR) technology, enhanced by Whale Swarm Optimization Classification (WSOC). The proposed framework aims to leverage the immersive and interactive capabilities of VR to facilitate more effective landscape planning and design processes. Through simulated experiments and empirical validations, the efficacy of the WSOC-enhanced VR-based approach is evaluated. Results demonstrate significant improvements in optimization efficiency and landscape design quality compared to traditional methods. For example, the WSOC model achieved a 40% reduction in design iteration time and a 25% increase in landscape sustainability metrics. Additionally, the framework enabled stakeholders to visualize and interact with proposed designs in real-time, leading to more informed decision-making and consensus-building. These findings highlight the potential of VR technology with WSOC in revolutionizing landscape planning and design, fostering sustainable and aesthetically pleasing outdoor environments.

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