Spatial Bee Optimized Network Theory (Sbont) Based Algorithm to Design of Dance Activity Venues in Elevating Tourism

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Zhiying Cui, Xing Li, Chengwei Xing, Feifei Zhang


Cultural tourism is a dynamic and enriching experience that involves exploring the unique heritage, traditions, arts, and customs of different societies. It goes beyond merely visiting landmarks; it delves into the heart and soul of a place, fostering understanding and appreciation for its cultural identity. Cultural tourism with a dance activity provides a vibrant and immersive way to experience the richness of a destination's cultural heritage. Participating in dance activities allows travelers to connect with local communities on a deeper level, learning about their traditions firsthand and forging meaningful connections. This paper proposes a novel approach for the spatial optimization of dance activity venues in cultural tourism destinations, integrating complex network theory with Spatial Bee Optimized Network Theory (SBONT). Cultural tourism thrives on offering diverse and immersive experiences, and dance activities play a pivotal role in enriching these experiences. However, optimizing the spatial layout of dance venues to enhance accessibility, cultural authenticity, and visitor satisfaction poses a complex problem. With integrating spatial considerations with network optimization principles, the proposed framework aims to maximize accessibility, connectivity, and cultural immersion for tourists while promoting sustainable development and resource utilization. Simulation results demonstrated that venues with a cultural significance score exceeding 0.8 experienced a 15% increase in visitor footfall compared to less significant counterparts. Moreover, the accessibility score for each venue improved by an average of 0.12, indicative of enhanced ease of access for tourists and local communities. These tangible outcomes underscore the algorithm’s effectiveness in orchestrating layouts that foster sustainable cultural tourism development while celebrating and preserving cultural heritage through dynamic dance activities.

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