Forecasting the Future: A Comprehensive Review of Time Series Prediction Techniques

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Milind Kolambe, Sandhya Arora


Time series forecasting is a critical aspect of data analysis, with applications ranging from finance and economics to weather prediction and industrial processes.  This review paper explores the evolution of time series forecasting techniques, analyzing the progression from classical methods to modern approaches. It synthesizes key advancements, discusses challenges, future directions and provides insights into emerging trends. Traditional forecasting methods often struggle with capturing the complex patterns and dynamics present in real-world time series data. This study explores the efficacy of cutting-edge models, such as long short-term memory (LSTM) networks, and recurrent neural networks (RNNs), in capturing intricate temporal dependencies. It also aims to guide researchers and practitioners in selecting appropriate methods for diverse time series forecasting applications. We categorize existing approaches, discuss their strengths and limitations, and highlight emerging trends in the field.

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