Evolving Landscape Of E-Commerce, Marketing, and Customer Service: the Impact of Ai Integration

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Vo Thi Kim Oanh


Background: In today's digital age, consumers interact with brands through various channels, including websites, social media, and mobile apps. This has led to the rise of "digital consumers" with distinct cognitive skills and expectations. Businesses are constantly seeking ways to improve customer experience (CX) and stay competitive.

Objective: This article explores how artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming the digital consumer experience.

Methods: A qualitative research approach was employed, utilizing literature reviews, expert interviews, and case studies to gain insights into the application of AI in customer interactions and its impact on the digital customer journey.

Findings: The research found that the integration of AI in digital consumerism has created new trends in business, enabling personalized and dynamic interactions between consumers and brands. AI-powered tools like recommendation systems, chatbots, and virtual assistants blur the lines between pre-purchase, purchase, and post-purchase stages, offering a more seamless customer experience.

Conclusions: The integration of artificial intelligence and digital customer experience has the potential to transform the future of e-commerce, marketing, and customer service, opening new horizons for both businesses and consumers. However, challenges related to data privacy, ethics, and algorithmic biases need to be addressed.

Originality/Significance: This article presents an original contribution to the understanding of the evolving digital consumer experience and the impact of AI on this landscape. While the use of AI in various aspects of business has been explored

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